Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Christmas song's
Today i am doing christmas song that is for christmas.It is nealy christmas and you can hear some of there song that i got.
Monday, 16 December 2013
Jesus Is born
Long ago Jesus came from heaven to earth. He wanted people to know how much he loved them. God chose Mary to have the baby so God called Gabriel the Angel to tell that she was going to have a baby and that she had to call him Jesus.
Mary was going to tell Joseph but she was scared because they were not married, they were engaged. Gabriel went to tell Joseph that he and Mary were going to have a baby. Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem where Joseph’s family. But they lived on the other side of Bethlehem. Everywhere was full and they had nowhere to stay for the night. .Finally they found a place to stay for the night so they could rest.
Jesus was born in a stable and Mary wrapped him in a blanket and they made him a bed out of hay. The shepherds came and they were looking after the sheep the shepherds heard that there was a new baby called Jesus they went to see the new born baby. Three wise men came and gave gifts to Mary and Joseph.

The Reverse key
Today we are doing thinker's key it is about christmas i love christmas.Thenk you for watching.
Friday, 13 December 2013
How to make a graph
How to make a graph.When we make a graph it is easy so here is my how to make a graph and it has steps to show you how to make a graph.ook at this.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Kiwi sports
Kiwi Sports
Hi here is my graph that i have done it is about kiwi sports on Tuesday we had cricket with room 14 that was our Maths class.We had to do our kiwi sports because we have been doing kiwi sports that is why we have kiwi sports thank you.And this is what is your favourite sports my favourite sports was swimming.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Monday, 9 December 2013
Turei's Two Dollars
This is a book called Turei's Two Dollars.it is about a boy who has 2 dollars and the 2 dollars goes on a adventure and then comes back to the windowsill.Here it is
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Today i did ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF FARMING and it is things that are good and things that are badsit back and watch.Thank you please leave a comment.\
We have been doing what is the 5 questions for the chicken and i have it.Here is is.Thank you.
2013 Reflection
This is my 2013 Reflection it is all about what we did last other's term but this term was different
because we did WHAT IN THE WORD IS GOING ON.
because we did WHAT IN THE WORD IS GOING ON.
Reading is the best because it helps you to learn and be brainy.My reading age is 9.5i think i can get higher than that because i am a good reader and i love reading.
I think Writing is so hard.I should be reading at the age of 12.Next year my goal is to jump higher than 10 so i can get better at writing and learn.
Maths is my favourite because you can learn adding,jmping the number line.I need to learn how to solve problems.I would need to learn my times tables to get well.
We did sport’s and it was cricket,basketball,rugby,swimming.My favourite one was Swimming because i am a good swimmer and i love to swim.So i can play in the swimming pool and learn to swim.
For topic we did art and making Antarctica animals i made a penguin and a seal and we made art of our face on a piece of paper it was white.
For eLearning on term 1 we did omari creek when we had to make our self move and walk to the creek.On term 2 we did Antarctica we had to draw the animals and the water so the animals can be in the water.On term 3 we did a life a stage and last of all was term 4 and we did farming.
On fiafia i was in the niuean group and for the niuean we did a dance and a song our teacher was miss lavakula because she is niuean.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Monday, 2 December 2013
Friday, 29 November 2013
Ambury Farm
Hi this is my Ambury farm and it is a movie it is about a cow how has a baby cow and the baby cow grows up and has a baby i hope you enjoye it thank you here it is
Juliet Farming from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Juliet Farming from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Hi here is my adding in parts thatb i did i my class i hoope you enjoye it thank you bye
Here it is:
Hi here is my worm resipe it is a menu.It is about a worms to eat i hope you enjoye it thank you bye bye.
Monday, 25 November 2013
Story Starter
Here is my story Starter in is fun to read hope you like it thenk you so much.
There was once a man who was in loved with this girl his name was John and the girls name was Cindy.Cindy and John were in loved they all was see each other because they loved each other.One day when Cindy woke up she went to see John and John went to see Cindy when they went to see each other.
John was at Cindy house and Cindy was at John house they both ran to each other and then they saw each other and they were just hugging.They were walk and then they had to go home John was a gentle worrior he went home and then he went to walk in the forest to find his mother he got lost and he was calling out to Cindy but Cindy called not hear him and she just kept walking and then John was lost in the forest Cindy was crying for John and John was crying to.
John was trying to get out of the forest but he did not get out.So then he fall in a whole and never got out and he just stayed there and then he died and never came back.never came back cindy was crying and she did not stop but when she went to bed she would stop
The End
Friday, 22 November 2013
Hi my name is Juliet and this is my adding in parts that i did i my class room and it is 18+25= and i have found the answer.But you have to watch this thank you for watching it Bye.
This my cheese that i did in my class room and it is about cheese do you love cheese because i love cheese it is good for you.Thank you i hope you enjoye it bye.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Missing the bus
Hi this is my missing the bus that i did in my class room and it is a story i hope you like it thank you.
Missing the bus
What is the moral of the story?The moral is never to be later for the bus of you can just walk to school or work.
Teina was going to school she had to do her lunch her mum was calling her to hurry up before teina is late for the bus.When teina and her mum get to the bus the bus was just going teina had to go and get her books from her room.Teina and her mum had to run to the light to catch the bus at the light so the bus can stop and they can jump on the bus .Mako and Dean was looking out the back and laughing.Mako and Dean were looking at the back and they were laughing..So Teina’s mum said we should just walk to school then teina said but what if it rains then she said we can catch the bus.Then teina mum said we should go and buy something with the money so then teina was think about what they were going to buy and then teina just went to class and she was thinking about it.THE END
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Maori Prayer
This is my Maori Prayer that i did here it is in Maori Hope you enjoye it thank you
here it is
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Manaiakalani Film Festival 2013
On Wednesday we went to the Manaiakalani Film Festival Some of pt england had movies.I was feeling happy that i went but the whole school had to go.We had to go after morning tea.It was my first time going because i just stared school.
Well my favourit movie was Room 14 because they made a movie about teen beach movie and it was fun and cool.It look the same as the real teen beach movie.It had the same songs and the same moves.Well i enjoyed room 21 because My teacher’s son was in it and he was a teacher and i he looked funny and cool..Next time i would want to see funny movies and cool movies too.
Well next time Room 13 should make movie about X Factor because there are heaps of of kids that can sing and that are good at singing.And we know that everyone like’s to sing like the boy and girls they really like to sing.
Please Click at this link please. Room 14 Beach Movie from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Please Click at this link please. Room 14 Beach Movie from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
This is my Athletics that i did in my class.We did it at pt england school and Me and Liz Are going to the finals.I hope you Enjoye it Thank you.
On Friday we had Athletics it was sunny and rainy too.My group was Tainui.Tainui is blue some of my friends we in blue too.The Year 5 girls were with miss lavakula.First we had to do sprints me and my friend had a plan, our plan was on the 75m i will come first and on the 100m she will come first we were in the finals and she came first and i came second.Second we did diskis it was so cool because we can throw the diskis but the way you throw it is that is that the diskis has to be oround your whole hand. Then you have to count to three and throw it.
Third we had to go to the field and had to do javelin it look like a sick but it was not a sick it was shape like one on all of the Activity had final .On the javelin finals first was Antonia then it was,Kaitlynne and the last one was Ashley.After that we went to the sack race and tigger wall.First we did the sack race we had to go in our house colors.I was in blue.we kind of came first.Then we did tigger wall.Then it was morning tea.we had our morning tea and the bell rang for us to go back to our Activity.
Our other Activity was softball throw 1 was Taunese 2 was Khaia and last was liz.We had to have 2 try to throw the softball.Then it was the year 5 boys turn to do the softball throw.The year 5 girls went to shot put.The shot put was heavy and some of us could not pick the shot put up and then it was the finals 1 was Khaia,2 was Taunese and last was Liz again.An
Mele's Money Dance
This is my Google drwing it is a book called Mele's Money Dance.She is a Tongan.I hope you enjoye it.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Kapa haka
Here is my kapa haka i did it on my google drawing hope you like it.Kapa Haka is a Maori dance you can sing and dance it is in new zealand and it in in other country too.
Guy Fawkes
Friday, 1 November 2013
Adding in parts
This is my other Adding in parts i hope you like it and you in enjoye it i did it in my classroom.
Adding in part
This is my maths that i did in class it is adding in parts i hope you enjoye it and like it thank you.
Pinata Day
This is my Pinata day and you can do the steps if you want i made it with my buddy she is my friend her name is Ashley.Here is my pinata i hope you like it and you enjoye it thank you for watching.
Saturday, 26 October 2013
This is my orienteering that i did i hope you like it and enjoye it.
Today we had Miss Mourd for because our teacher was sick and she did not feel well well she did not come to school.Then room 13 went to high jumps after high jump.Then room 13 went to Orienteering the lady said “you can go in partner's or you can go with no partners.My partner was Mele she is my friend.We had to get a map and a peace of paper and then we had to find thwe letters that were on our papers if we can not find it we had to you’s our maps.Me and my partner mele was finished but we had to keep going in tell we found all of the letter’s.And then we were finish.It was so fun when we were playing.Then we went back to class.
Friday, 25 October 2013
A Baby Foal
This is my Google drawing and it is about A baby Foal that has been born.I hope you enjoye it it is so good to read.Thank you
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
What was your favorite part:
My favorite part was when josh was covered in honey and then he jumped on his father.
Why is that you favorite part:Because he thought that there was a Bear in the room next door.He knew that the Bear likes honey so then he put honey all over himself and waited until the Bear came out.
What happened in the story?
Josh heard a strange snuffing noise then he said “I can hear it again. He went to the room next door and someone clicked on the light and the father and mother were kind of angry so then the mother said “josh go back to bed and then his father said “JOSH GO BACK TO BED NOW.
So then Josh listened to his dad and went back to bed but still heard the noise so then he still went to see the Bear next door.So then he put his pillow on his two foot so he can not make a noise.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Here is my ice cream that i made i hope you like it.And there are instructions in my persentation thank you
Persuasive Arguments
In New Zealand we Should go to school from Monday to Friday so we can spend time with our Friends and teachers.So we can have time to play with our friends.
Friday should not be a part of the weekend so we can have free time on Friday.Kids should go to school from Monday to Friday because kids need to learn and they need to to cragrat and maybe go to work and get some money.
Kids need to learn because when they grow up they can go to college and learn maths,writing,reading.
Friday, 18 October 2013
Immersion Assembly
In this video is about Immersion Assembly my favourite part was when miss waltter had to much cream and she had to much cream on her face then was so cool.
Immersion Assembly Term 4 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Immersion Assembly Term 4 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
My Hoildays
My holidays was not so cool Because all i did was watch tv.Then on Saturday,Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday i stayed at my nana's.On Wednesday my sister Shea-les rang my nana in mangary and said “If me and my sister Shea-les can come of then she said “yes you can come over for the weekend.I haven’t seen my dad when i was 8 year’s old.Then me and my sister Shea-les went to my other nana’s house Mangary my dad had to give tickets out if you stay at the parking for more than 90 min then all we did is go shopping.But on Saturday me and my sister and my other sister and uncle and aunty we went out for dinner for dinner we had Macdonald and for Dessert we had dennys then we went home.On Sunday we went to church and after church we went to have lunch for lunch we had Burger king.Then my dad took us home when my dad took us home he said “do you want wendys then we said “yes please and my sister Shea-les a crying because she wanted to go home then my dad took us home.

Thursday, 17 October 2013
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
The Last Day for Esther
Today in C.R.E was the last day for the book of Esther.
She did the pray for C.R.E.Then we sang a song it was called god love you and i love you and that the way it should be.Then we did a play it had Mordecai,Haman,Queen Esther,King Xerxes and then there servant.Queen Esther said to King Xerxes and Haman can you come to a party so i can tell you some thing then they yes we will come to the party.So then they came to the party.Then King said what were you going to tell me.
She said can you come to another party and i will tell you what i was going to say to you.
Then he said okay.

Friday, 20 September 2013
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
A Fair Swap
Once upon a time there lived a Man and his Wife they lived on a farm.The Man came back from work he was complaining that his work was so hard and his wife work was so easy because the wife work was to clean up and and do house work too.And the man had to cut the weeds and feed the animals too.The man and his wife swapped jobs.Then they got on with their work.Then the man did not want to do his wife's work.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Esther Contented
Today in C.R.E Esther the book was contented telling us the story about Esther and Mordecai.
We Had some Costumes for the play. We were eating our apples and our orange.It was so cool when Miss Clarke was telling us the us the story.She is going to tell us the rest of it next's Wensday.
Friday, 13 September 2013
For the last 5 weeks we had basketball we haven't seen our coach his name was Rob. We haven't seen him for a long time because last week on Thursday we had cross country that is why we didn’t do basketball so then we did basketball. I was so excited for basketball i could not wait.
Today we did a little warm up the game was called line tiggy we had to stay on the line.If we step out of the linn then we are out.we have to try to stay on the line I almost fall of the line but i didn’t I stayed on the line I didn’t fall off.After we did finished the game we had to get a ball and we had to find somewhere to stand so I standed next to our coach.We learned to double dribble and we had to spin the ball around our leg and our waste.
When we finished we had to go stand on the line it was so hard that I couldn’t stop going of the line.The ladder was benjimmen then it was me I was at the back of him.We went around the line and we had to stay on the red line and the other people had to go on the blue line.We had to shoot the ball, to each other to our partners. I was partnered with jessica i had to shoot the ball to her.we had to have a challenge.The blue vsis the red team.The Red team won.
I was doing a debate it s a form of argument.Our statement was pt england school should not wear uniform.The team that I was in was For were doing no pt england should not wear uniform.The other team were against they were doing yes pt england should wear uniform.I was the third person to speak.I will tell you something i did here it is Firstly No Pt England School should not have to wear uniforms because when they go home they will not have to get change out of their uniform and they can just go and play outside with their cc friends and not waste time.I hope you agree with us.I felt nervous.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Today Room 13 and Room 14 were going on a trip to youth town in the city in town.First we had to get all of our stuff we had to have our swimming togs and a towel,some lunch and some shoes if we had no shoes we aren't allowed to go.Miss lavakula was looking in our bags to see if we had some lunch and our swimming togs and a towel too.
Then we went on the bus we had to wait at the hall for Room 14. Then we went on the bus Room 13 was in the front and Room 14 was at the back. Some of the girls were sitting right at the back.After that we went to youth town it was so cool.Miss lavakula took a photo of us.
When we got to Youth Town our class did swimming first, and those that did not have swimming togs had to go and do table tennis and pool table.After that we went and had morning tea and then we went to do art.I did writing it had a name it said jeremiah he is my brother.After that went to table tennis and pool table.Then we had lunch and then went to the bus we had to wait for the light to go red and then we can cross the road and jumped in the bus Room 13 was in the back i was sitting next to my friend Mele.We came back to school and it was play time.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Esther continues......
Today in C.R.E we learned more about Haman,Mordecai,and king Xerxes and queen Esther.
King Xerxes gave a job to Mordecai.Mordecai heard that the guards were going to kill King Xerxes.
Haman was the prime Minister he said "when i come around the Susa you have to bow to me.
And that is what we did in C.R.E
Haman was the prime Minister he said "when i come around the Susa you have to bow to me.
And that is what we did in C.R.E

Monday, 9 September 2013
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
My plays
On Monday we had to do a play i did not know that we had to do a play i was doing Humpty Dumpty i was humpty dumpty's friend.Me and my friend April were his friends.Next time we should speck lound and clear but not to lound.I worked when every body was waching and lisening of what we were saying.We were the first one’s to go up and do our play i felt very noves and when we got over with it i was so happy that we were finshed.Then me and friend Katareina did a nother play with nother group because they had not a noth people in there group. THE END
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Today at C.R.E Mrs Clarke told us a story about a beautiful woman named Esther.King Xerxes had a wife named Queen Vashti and they lived in a big palace.
King Xerxes said to his wife to "come and party with me" but the queen said "no"
We are learning to be and do the best we can.We can do this by being kind and listening to each other.
Ephesians 2:10 God planned for us to do good things.
For the last 5 weeks we had basketball we haven't seen our coach his name was Rob. We haven't seen him for a long time because last week on Thursday we had cross country that is why we didn’t do basketball so then we did basketball. I was so excited for basketball i could not wait.
Today we did a little warm up the game was called line tiggy we had to stay on the line.If we step out of the linn then we are out.we have to try to stay on the line I almost fall of the line but i didn’t I stayed on the line I didn’t fall off.After we did finished the game we had to get a ball and we had to find somewhere to stand so I standed next to our coach.We learned to double dribble and we had to spin the ball around our leg and our waste.
When we finished we had to go stand on the line it was so hard that I couldn’t stop going of the line.The ladder was benjimmen then I was me I was at the back of him.We went around the line and we had to stay on the red line and the other people had to go on the blue line.We had to shot the ball, to each other to our partners I was partnered with jessica i had shot the ball to her and then we had to have a challenge with the blue team it was the blue team versus the red team we had to get to 10. We had 10 points we won and the blue team lost it was kind of a race after that we went back to class. THE END
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Maui and the sun
Once upon a time there was boy named Maui and he had some brothers.One day Maui and his brothers. When they went to have breakfast and when they went to have dinner it was dark the sun was going to fast they could not eat all fish.
So then maui had an idea.His idea was to stop the sun from going tofast a coss the sky.So Maui and his brothers set of to find the sun and stop it from going to fast so they can eat and fish too. So then went to the sun and.First they made some rope with flax.
Second they went to the sun with their weapons and they snuck behind the rock and waited for the the sun so then they went to the and tide the sun up in the ropes and they were pulling the sun.
They threw their ropes over the sun and pulled and pulled until the sun was getting angry.The sun was so angry that the sun tried to get out of the ropes but he could not get out of the ropes.So then the sun said what are you doing then maui beat the sun befor he went to tell him to stop going fast. THE END

Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Today we learned about a story of onesimus philemon paul.
onesimus stole from philemonon and ran away to Rome.There he met Paul.
Paul wrote a letter to philemonon on behalf of onesimus.onesimus returned back to Colossae and said sorry.
I think that it's easy to say sorry because...
people can say sorry back.

On Monday we had to do a play i did not know that we had to do a play i was doing Humpty Dumpty i was humpty dumpty's friend.Me and my friend April were his friends.Next time we should speck lound and clear but not to lound.I worked when every body was waching and lisening of what we were saying.We were the first one’s to go up and do our play i felt very noves and when we got over with it i was so happy that we were finshed.Then me and friend Katareina did a nother play with nother group because they had not a noth people in there group. THE END
Monday, 26 August 2013
On Thursday it was a nice day and it was a special day too.We did the roll and we did the same work too.It was morning tea we had some morning tea then it was play time and then the bell rang then we all ran to class.Room 13 and Room 14 went to look at the path for cross country then we went back to class to have math class.Then it was lunch time every body was in mafti in there house coulor there was blue,green,yellow red.Then bell rang for class we all went to class and we all lind up we went to the court and we sat in our age group.I was in blue with my friends.We had to start with the Five year olds and my siser zamera came first.It went to the five year old to the to 13 year olds .We all ran and then we went to class .Then it was home time we all went home.
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Should this have happend
On Tuesday kiwi fruit did a debate on Georgie porgie. Firstly.No Georgie porgie should have not kissed the girls because they might have pimples and he might get pimples.All the girls might be ugly and he might get uglier too.Georgie porgie should not have kiss the girls because they might be boys with makeup and with hair.Georgie porgie should have not kissed the girls because they might be the other boys girlfriends and they might get angry and mad too.That is why Georgie porgie should have not kissed the girls because they might be ugly and yuck too.Georgie porgie should have not kissed the girls because they might be so smelly.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Loving and Caring
Today in C.R.E we learned about showing love to everybody even when it's hard.We learned and sang a song today too.
I find it hard to love people when they... are a bullies and not being kind
I find it easy to love people when they...are kind and friendly ad helpful too.<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/72704951" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/72704951">IMG 0620</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/team4pes">Team 4 Pes</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
Thursday, 15 August 2013
The three little pigs
Team 4 did a play about the three little pig’s and the big bad wolf. Miss garden was the narrator.The three little pigs went to say goodbye to their mum.The first little pig went to look for a lady with some hay then she saw some hay she bought it and went to bullied her house. She went to sit down and have a relax on the chair when she heard a loud noise then she woke up and then the “Big bad wolf said little pig little pig let me in.” then the “Little pig said not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.”Then the “Big bad wolf said then i will huff and i'll puff and i will blow your house down.”
Then the next day the second little pig went out into the woods to look for a lady with some sticks then she found a lady with some sticks. She got the sticks and went to bullied her house.Then the wolf came and said little pig little pig let me in” then the pig “said not by the of my chinny chin chin”.Then i will huff and i'll puff and i will blow your house down.Then wolf ate the little pig.
Then the next day the last little pig went to find someone with some bricks he went into the forest to find someone with bricks.Then he Found the person with some brick and went to ask for some bricks then the person said yes you may have some bricks so then the pig got his bricks and went off to build his house.He built his house and was finished.When he was finished he sat down and had a relax.Then he heard a noise it “said little pig little pig let me in” i was the big bad wolf then the little pig “said not by the hair of my chinny chin chin” then the big bad wolf “said then i'll huff and i'll puff and i will blow your house down then he did but it did not blow down so then he kept doing it and doing it and doing it and then he got tired he stopped and had idea and he went up the chimney and went down to the pot of water it was so hot his bottom was burning with fire.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Mrs Clarke comes into our classroom every Tuesday afternoon.We have learned lots of different things like:songs and stories.
I heaved learned about Jesus and some other people too and how they are healed too.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Interview a Friend

Friday, 2 August 2013
Hey Diddle diddle
Do you know the Nursery Rhyme called Hey Diddle Diddle? Watch this movie.
Juliet Hey Diddle Diddle from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Juliet Hey Diddle Diddle from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Holly and the Frog Prince
This is a story about a girl named holly she lived with her mum.One night holly’s mother read her a story about a princess who kissed a frog.When holly’s mother said the part when the princess kissed the frog holy said that is revolting and yucky.That night it rained and rained and it rained in till the rains stopped.Holly went outside to play in her sandpit.When she saw a frog sitting in her sandpit.She told the frog to get out of her sandpit but the frog was just sitting in her sandpit.She was thinking about kissing the frog so it can turn into a beautiful prince but she thought that it will be yuck to kiss a frog.So then she kissed the frog and it turned into a ugly prince.Then she kissed the prince and it turned back into a frog.Then she went back home.The End.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Thursday, 11 July 2013
That the idea
This story is about shannons and her dad that was shy.Shannon's dad had a shyness when he is around people and when he is at people house he get shy.One day shannon and her dad to come to school and look at something.He was so nervous when they got to school dad was so so nervous of what shannon was going to show dad.When they got to school shannon showed dad the garden.They stayed at school.Shannon teacher said to shannon dad you can pick a bunch of silverbeet and take it for your dinner.When they got home dad cooked the dinner he had a idea.When shannon went to school dad asked the neighbors for the lawnmower and then dad lawned the grass and made it into a garden like the one at school.And he got plants and,fruit.He planted them in their new garden that dad made.Then we saw a car that pulled a and there was a man in the car and then the man said would you like to have a job at the garden for 3 days a week then he got a job.The End.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Friday, 5 July 2013
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Kelly Tarlton's
It was a good day for team 4 to go to Kelly Tarlton's. We went to Kelly Tarlton's to investigate the Antarctic animals, like Penguins, Seals ,and Orcas. We did not see the “Orcas and Seals” “because they are too hard to catch, too big and if they see the Penguins they will eat them.
When we got to Kelly Tarlton’s, the first thing we did was go to the school room with Janice. She was showing us photos about Antarctica. She talked about what the scientists use to keep them warm and what they eat. Janice told us that “all the rubbish comes back to New Zealand and doesn’t stay in Antarctica”.
The sun was shining brightly in the sky as we walked to the park.Me and my friends were playing on the octopus”.It soared in the sky as we played on the octopus.I didn’t get my turn on the octopus because there were people hogging it. The tall wet grass was so wet that our shoes and socks we squished and soggy.
Our class and Room 16 walked back to Kelly Tarlton’s to explore the oceanarium. We went to the look at scotts hut, Janice told us about the cans of food and we saw a replica of it. Then we went to look around at the other animals too. When we got to the fish, we saw a man and he told us that the starfish was real. There were some big fish and little tiny fish too. Me,Ashley,Lukis,and Taiaha were on the travelator under a tunnel with see through glass of fish. We saw sharks, stingrays and big fish too.They were scary. It was so fun on the travelator. We got some time to go on our Chromebooks and start writing. Afterwards it was time to come back to school.
I felt really happy that i went to the Kelly Tarlton's. It was so fun and I hope that I can go again with my friends too. My favorite part was when we went to the park and played on the octopus and when we were eating our morning tea.

When we got to Kelly Tarlton’s, the first thing we did was go to the school room with Janice. She was showing us photos about Antarctica. She talked about what the scientists use to keep them warm and what they eat. Janice told us that “all the rubbish comes back to New Zealand and doesn’t stay in Antarctica”.
The sun was shining brightly in the sky as we walked to the park.Me and my friends were playing on the octopus”.It soared in the sky as we played on the octopus.I didn’t get my turn on the octopus because there were people hogging it. The tall wet grass was so wet that our shoes and socks we squished and soggy.
Our class and Room 16 walked back to Kelly Tarlton’s to explore the oceanarium. We went to the look at scotts hut, Janice told us about the cans of food and we saw a replica of it. Then we went to look around at the other animals too. When we got to the fish, we saw a man and he told us that the starfish was real. There were some big fish and little tiny fish too. Me,Ashley,Lukis,and Taiaha were on the travelator under a tunnel with see through glass of fish. We saw sharks, stingrays and big fish too.They were scary. It was so fun on the travelator. We got some time to go on our Chromebooks and start writing. Afterwards it was time to come back to school.
I felt really happy that i went to the Kelly Tarlton's. It was so fun and I hope that I can go again with my friends too. My favorite part was when we went to the park and played on the octopus and when we were eating our morning tea.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013
I hpoe you in joye it plaese leave me a comment
In the Morning Room 13 went to the hall for football because it was wet and muddy .First we played a game the game we played was Octopus.Then we had a coach named Ben.We had to get into groups four.But in my group i had 5 there names was Aaron,April,Owen,and Taiaha.Secondly we had to choose a game to play and my group picked juggling.juggling is like juggle it on your hands but we juggled it on our feet.Then me and my group did passing. Thirdly we had to play a game the game was called Football in football we had to voreis Some teams.First we had to vsed the green team then we vsed the blue team then the last team we vsed was the yellow team.Then we went back to class and did some work.

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