
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Maths Time

Today Ms Kyla came in to our Maths class room 4, she came and talked to us about the 3P's. 3P's stands for Partnership, Participation and Protection. Miss Kyla made write down the 3 Ps and how we would o it online.The 3 Ps can make you learn and make you know better. Using the 3 Ps may help you a lot. Maybe you can use this and maybe you can tell other people.If you use the 3 Ps and it work and you Please leave a comment. Thank you very much. 


  1. Nice job Juliet. Is there one thing that you learnt using the 3Ps that you can apply to your online learning right away?

  2. Hi Juliet, it's great you're learning about being cyber smart. Which one of the 3 P's do you find the hardest?


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