
Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The Last Day for Esther

Today in C.R.E was the last day for the book of Esther. She did the pray for C.R.E.Then we sang a song it was called god love you and i love you and that the way it should be.Then we did a play it had Mordecai,Haman,Queen Esther,King Xerxes and then there servant.Queen Esther said to King Xerxes and Haman can you come to a party so i can tell you some thing then they yes we will come to the party.So then they came to the party.Then King said what were you going to tell me. She said can you come to another party and i will tell you what i was going to say to you. Then he said okay.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

A Fair Swap

Once upon a time there lived a Man and his Wife they lived on a farm.The Man came back from work he was complaining that his work was so hard and his wife work was so easy because the wife work was to clean up and and do house work too.And the man had to cut the weeds and feed the animals too.The man and his wife swapped jobs.Then they got on with their work.Then the man did not want to do his wife's work.
                                            THE END

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Esther Contented

Today in C.R.E Esther the book was contented telling us the story about Esther and Mordecai. We Had some Costumes for the play. We were eating our apples and our orange.It was so cool when Miss Clarke was telling us the us the story.She is going to tell us the rest of it next's Wensday.

Friday, 13 September 2013


For the last 5 weeks we had basketball we haven't seen our coach his name was Rob. We haven't seen him for a long time because last week on Thursday we had cross country that is why we didn’t do basketball so then we did basketball. I was so excited for basketball i could not wait. P2 Today we did a little warm up the game was called line tiggy we had to stay on the line.If we step out of the linn then we are out.we have to try to stay on the line I almost fall of the line but i didn’t I stayed on the line I didn’t fall off.After we did finished the game we had to get a ball and we had to find somewhere to stand so I standed next to our coach.We learned to double dribble and we had to spin the ball around our leg and our waste. P3 When we finished we had to go stand on the line it was so hard that I couldn’t stop going of the line.The ladder was benjimmen then it was me I was at the back of him.We went around the line and we had to stay on the red line and the other people had to go on the blue line.We had to shoot the ball, to each other to our partners. I was partnered with jessica i had to shoot the ball to her.we had to have a challenge.The blue vsis the red team.The Red team won. THE END


I was doing a debate it s a form of argument.Our statement was pt england school should not wear uniform.The team that I was in was For were doing no pt england should not wear uniform.The other team were against they were doing yes pt england should wear uniform.I was the third person to speak.I will tell you something i did here it is Firstly No Pt England School should not have to wear uniforms because when they go home they will not have to get change out of their uniform and they can just go and play outside with their cc friends and not waste time.I hope you agree with us.I felt nervous.

Papaka and Koura

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


Today Room 13 and Room 14 were going on a trip to youth town in the city in town.First we had to get all of our stuff we had to have our swimming togs and a towel,some lunch and some shoes if we had no shoes we aren't allowed to go.Miss lavakula was looking in our bags to see if we had some lunch and our swimming togs and a towel too. Then we went on the bus we had to wait at the hall for Room 14. Then we went on the bus Room 13 was in the front and Room 14 was at the back. Some of the girls were sitting right at the back.After that we went to youth town it was so cool.Miss lavakula took a photo of us. When we got to Youth Town our class did swimming first, and those that did not have swimming togs had to go and do table tennis and pool table.After that we went and had morning tea and then we went to do art.I did writing it had a name it said jeremiah he is my brother.After that went to table tennis and pool table.Then we had lunch and then went to the bus we had to wait for the light to go red and then we can cross the road and jumped in the bus Room 13 was in the back i was sitting next to my friend Mele.We came back to school and it was play time.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Esther continues......

Today in C.R.E we learned more about Haman,Mordecai,and king Xerxes and queen Esther. King Xerxes gave a job to Mordecai.Mordecai heard that the guards were going to kill King Xerxes.
Haman was the prime Minister he said "when i  come around the Susa you have to bow to me.
And that is what we did in C.R.E

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

My plays

On Monday we had to do a play i did not know that we had to do a play i was doing Humpty Dumpty i was humpty dumpty's friend.Me and my friend April were his friends.Next time we should speck lound and clear but not to lound.I worked when every body was waching and lisening of what we were saying.We were the first one’s to go up and do our play i felt very noves and when we got over with it i was so happy that we were finshed.Then me and friend Katareina did a nother play with nother group because they had not a noth people in there group. THE END

A Bowl of Rice

Here is my presentationi hope you injoye it

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Today at C.R.E Mrs Clarke told us a story about a beautiful woman named Esther.King Xerxes had a wife named Queen Vashti and they lived in a big palace. King Xerxes said to his wife to "come and party with me" but the queen said "no" We are learning to be and do the best we can.We can do this by being kind and listening to each other. Ephesians 2:10 God planned for us to do good things.


For the last 5 weeks we had basketball we haven't seen our coach his name was Rob. We haven't seen him for a long time because last week on Thursday we had cross country that is why we didn’t do basketball so then we did basketball. I was so excited for basketball i could not wait. P2 Today we did a little warm up the game was called line tiggy we had to stay on the line.If we step out of the linn then we are out.we have to try to stay on the line I almost fall of the line but i didn’t I stayed on the line I didn’t fall off.After we did finished the game we had to get a ball and we had to find somewhere to stand so I standed next to our coach.We learned to double dribble and we had to spin the ball around our leg and our waste. P3 When we finished we had to go stand on the line it was so hard that I couldn’t stop going of the line.The ladder was benjimmen then I was me I was at the back of him.We went around the line and we had to stay on the red line and the other people had to go on the blue line.We had to shot the ball, to each other to our partners I was partnered with jessica i had shot the ball to her and then we had to have a challenge with the blue team it was the blue team versus the red team we had to get to 10. We had 10 points we won and the blue team lost it was kind of a race after that we went back to class. THE END