Did you know that today was the last day of school.The year 8’s were leaving and most of them were crying i was crying too.It was so sad because they were the best thing that the school had and they were kind to other people and the people that they did not know they still toke care of them and helped them too.
When 2014 began I was so happy because i was so happy,and there were new people and i played a lot of sport and helped a lot.2014 was the best year because of the teacher that are coming to our school and know they are leaving us like Mr chong-nee,Miss Barks and other teachers.
This year was going fast it is almost christmas it is next week Thursday.Next year i am a year 7 and then i will be a year 8 i can not belive it in my own eye.My teachers say’s that rember to all way come and see us so they can know what we are learning about and how is it going.
I am going to miss 2014 and the teacher that are leaving and the kids.I just want to say have a happy holiday and a great christmas to all of you’s.
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Friday, 12 December 2014
Did you know I had fun this year in 2014 because of all the thing we have done and the sport. When I stared school last year I did not have because of the thing I did not do. In 2014 I have been having fun because there are new people.Today we had to go to the hall because some of the teacher were leaving. I was crying because they were leaving us for ever and I did not want they to leave.THANK YOU PLEASE LEAVE ME A COMMENT.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014
My Years At Pt England School
This is about My years being at point england school.What I enjoyed is the Fia Fia and Manaiakalani.
They helped me to be myself and to work as a team.
I am Proud of fiafia because i have been in the niuean group for 6 years and because that is my culture.But next year i am going to be in the cook island group.Fiafia really helped me with my culture and doing the dance that i did not know about.
I am very proud of Manaiakalani because of all the video from different classes and because they make good video and they work as a team.Last year I was in the Movie and it was called who killed humpty dumpty.It was cool watching my own self.
Next year I want to get better at getting all my work done in like 35 minutes or less before Morning tea time or Lunch time. I want to work on is about school and how i behave at school.One more thing I want to get better at doing movie.
Thank you to all the teacher for the past few year i have been here.Thank you so much to Miss garden,Mr Goodwin,Miss Jacobson and Mr Somerville.
This is all about my year and how it would be next year when I am a year 7 I will miss being a year 6 because of the cool teacher and the thing we do.Thank you please leave me a comment thank you.
I am Proud of fiafia because i have been in the niuean group for 6 years and because that is my culture.But next year i am going to be in the cook island group.Fiafia really helped me with my culture and doing the dance that i did not know about.
I am very proud of Manaiakalani because of all the video from different classes and because they make good video and they work as a team.Last year I was in the Movie and it was called who killed humpty dumpty.It was cool watching my own self.
Next year I want to get better at getting all my work done in like 35 minutes or less before Morning tea time or Lunch time. I want to work on is about school and how i behave at school.One more thing I want to get better at doing movie.
Thank you to all the teacher for the past few year i have been here.Thank you so much to Miss garden,Mr Goodwin,Miss Jacobson and Mr Somerville.
This is all about my year and how it would be next year when I am a year 7 I will miss being a year 6 because of the cool teacher and the thing we do.Thank you please leave me a comment thank you.
Kawau Island
Hello this is a presentation of kawau island.This is all you neeed to know thank you please leave me a comment thank you.
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Christmas WishList
This is about my christmas wishlist and what i want and not want for christmas I hope i get them for real because I really love those thing.Pleases leave me a comment thank you.
Monday, 1 December 2014
Tinkerbell and Leonardo da vinci
Hi this is a movie about Tinkerbell and Leonardo da vinci. Leonardo did not know what to paint so then tinkerbell flue in and said what are you thinking. Leonardo as thinking for a couple of seconds then he knew what he was going to draw.Hope you enjoy our movie about Tinkerbell and Leonardo.Pleases leave me a comment.Thank you.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
I can not wait for christmas because I get lots of things.Did you know last yeah I got a phone,Ipad, and a laptop.Did you know i love christmas because of the staff you get.
When it is almost christmas i am getting money from my dad and when i get it i am going too by some present for my sisters and my brother.I am going to by my little sister a caneda sand for my second older sister i am going to buy her a some chucks and for my baby brother i am going to buy him some planes,trucks. TO BE COUNTIED
I can not wait for christmas because I get lots of things.Did you know last yeah I got a phone,Ipad, and a laptop.Did you know i love christmas because of the staff you get.
When it is almost christmas i am getting money from my dad and when i get it i am going too by some present for my sisters and my brother.I am going to by my little sister a caneda sand for my second older sister i am going to buy her a some chucks and for my baby brother i am going to buy him some planes,trucks. TO BE COUNTIED
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Flash Trash
This is all about flash trash what we had to do is use thing from the trash but some of it is not from the trash.Maybe you can do this at home but you would need a adult.Thank you hope you enjoy pleases leave me a comment.
Monday, 10 November 2014
Guy Fawks
Here is a presentation that I have made for you guy and it is all about Guy Fawkes and some information.Please leave me a comment thank you.
Monday, 3 November 2014
Last But not Least the End
Chapter 3 Last but not least the end
When 2 day were up I had to go home but I did not want to go home because I had the best time of my life and my last time because they were moving out.
I was helping them pack their clothes and other thing.I was very sad and upset as soon as I left my friend Nicketa gave me a present and it was so new chucks that she bought for the number 1 shoe shop.
She had never worn them because she was saving them for me.When I left I was hugging her for like 5 minutes and then i let go and went home.When I got home my brother was hugging me and was saying “I missed you so much”. I took my brother and my sisters to the shop to buy them something because I had $48.00 dollars left. THE END
She had never worn them because she was saving them for me.When I left I was hugging her for like 5 minutes and then i let go and went home.When I got home my brother was hugging me and was saying “I missed you so much”. I took my brother and my sisters to the shop to buy them something because I had $48.00 dollars left. THE END
Friday, 31 October 2014
How to be a successful Pt Englander.
Do you wanna be a successful Pt Englander?
If you want to be a successful Pt Englander you need to eat healthy food,being a good friend and do sports.
Do you want to get healthy? Well in your lunch box you need to have a Apple,Banana,orange and a sandwich. But you really need to drink water every day to get rehydrated. Drinking water is good for you because if you keep drink fizzy every single day you will get fat.
Being a good friend helps you get lots and lots of more friends.Having friends will keep you having company and you will never be sad. When you are sad there you go your friends are there.
When you are doing sports you will get fit and know how to play sport.If you do not like rugby just go and try it and then you will love it. Playing spots will help you so when you are watching games on tv you know if they are do thing that is not in the game. There you go there is lot of thing for you to do if you have no friends,do not have healthy lunch and know how to play sports.
Do you want to get healthy? Well in your lunch box you need to have a Apple,Banana,orange and a sandwich. But you really need to drink water every day to get rehydrated. Drinking water is good for you because if you keep drink fizzy every single day you will get fat.
Being a good friend helps you get lots and lots of more friends.Having friends will keep you having company and you will never be sad. When you are sad there you go your friends are there.
When you are doing sports you will get fit and know how to play sport.If you do not like rugby just go and try it and then you will love it. Playing spots will help you so when you are watching games on tv you know if they are do thing that is not in the game. There you go there is lot of thing for you to do if you have no friends,do not have healthy lunch and know how to play sports.
Chatper 2 Pool
Chapter 2
When we finished racing in the swimming pools we went to watch a movie in the swimming pools.We were watching turbo and it was so cool..When the movie was finished we had to go.We jumped out and got changed.We jumped in the car and went to the shops Nicketa bought some earrings and I did too but with my own money it cost $2.00 dollars I had $48.00 dollars left.
Then we went back home and I slept at their house for 2 days and I had fun.
I had lots of money left and me and Nicketa will alway go to the shop and get us some stuff. Nicketa will always ask her mum if we can play in the room and play dress up her brother will always come in and be noise we will tell him to get out but he will say “no”.We will run out side and hide but he always finds us. TO BE CONNECTED……...
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
We have been learning about corn beef and we have add 5 questions and Rowana and Jessica have answered them well I said the question.Please watch the movie before you leave a comment thank you enjoy it and let other people know.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Composes Work Sheet
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Chapter 1 Going to the pools
It was a hot sunny day and I was so bored my friend came and her name is Nicketa and her brothers name was Kane. Nicketa came to my house and asked my mum if i could go to the pools it was called waiwera my mum said “yes you can go but you have to behave and listen and she gave me $50.00 just for me.When we were driving to the pool we were playing sleeping lion and my friends brother went to sleep for real because he was tired.
When we arrived we jumped out of the car then Kane woke up and was so happy that we were their Nicketa mum went to pay for us. We ran to the bathroom and got changed in our swimming togs.Me and Nicketa ran and jumped in to the pools were having a swimming race and i kept coming first and she kept coming last.
Monday, 20 October 2014
Do you want to keep safe in the sun?
Do you want to keep safe in the sun?
What you need to do to keep safe is not look at the sun, wear sunblock, wear a hat, wear sunglasses and stay in the shade if you do not have a hat.
Well we need to wear a hat to cover our neck, face and our ears because our neck and our face might get really sore. When you are wearing a hat it will keep you safe but not all of your body just you neck and your face because your hat can’t fit over your whole body.
If you are going to have a swim put some sunblock and proper togs on. When you are swimming make sure your sisters or little brothers are wearing sunblock too. When you are finished swimming put more sunblock on.
Wearing sunglasses helps your eyes to not go blind because you know if you are right in front of the tv you will get blind. Just like sitting in front of the tv is just like looking at the sun but the sun is brighter than the tv.
So there you go there are thing for you to do when it is sunny.But remember to wear a hat, put sunblock on and wear some sunglasses.
Well we need to wear a hat to cover our neck, face and our ears because our neck and our face might get really sore. When you are wearing a hat it will keep you safe but not all of your body just you neck and your face because your hat can’t fit over your whole body.
If you are going to have a swim put some sunblock and proper togs on. When you are swimming make sure your sisters or little brothers are wearing sunblock too. When you are finished swimming put more sunblock on.
Wearing sunglasses helps your eyes to not go blind because you know if you are right in front of the tv you will get blind. Just like sitting in front of the tv is just like looking at the sun but the sun is brighter than the tv.
So there you go there are thing for you to do when it is sunny.But remember to wear a hat, put sunblock on and wear some sunglasses.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Holiday Highlight
P1 It was a Sunday morning and me and my family were going to do nothing at all. So I ran to my mom's room and asked her if we can go to the Museum then go to the park then go to Valentines.My mum said” yes we can but we had to ask my dad if we can go.
We all had to have a shower then we had to wait for my mum and dad to have a shower they we taking there time.We had to wait for 10 minutes for them to have their shower.When they were finished we left the house and jumped in the car.When we jumped in the car my uncle and my cousins came they came to pick up the USB.
P2 When they left we were going to the Museum as soon as we were getting out of the car my brother jumped out and was so happy that he was at the Museum.I was so happy too and my sister were even happier than me.When had to walk up this long stairs and it took for ages so I had to hold my brothers had or else he will fall and break one of his bones.
We walk in the Museum and my brother ran and then I said “wait Jeremiah you do not know where to go.He still was running so I chased after him he was running so fast that I caught up to him and he is only 3 years old.We went in the Maori court and sure lots of thing I did not know about Maori.We looked everywhere and sure thing I did not see when we went to on the school trip.
P3 When we were leaving me and my brother were sad because we did not want to go.But when my mum said “we were going to the park then going to Valentines me and my brother were jumping around we ran down the hill and rolled down the hill and it was so fun.We jumped in the car and left to the park.After the park we went to Valentines.When we got there it was packed and there was no tables this family left and there was a sets for us.
When we sat down we had to wait for my mum to pay for us when she finished we had to get our food first we had to have dinner and it tasted nice and beautiful.When we finished our dinner we had dessert I had ice cream that is all I had for dessert.Then after we had dinner and dessert we went home and we went had to go to sleep for school.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
How to answer a multi choice Question
1.Read the Question
2.Think what you know & what you not know
3.Solve the problem
4.Chose your answer
5.If your answer is not there start again.
2.Think what you know & what you not know
3.Solve the problem
4.Chose your answer
5.If your answer is not there start again.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Chapter 4
They left,they arrived at the restaurant and there were lots of people in the restaurant they just came at the right time they got a table for both of them Maddie was following them and was watching them at the same time because she liked James and hatted Bella but Bella liked Maddie.
They had finished dinner but the had dissert know they both had one smoothie to share together and Maddie was so angry and upset because James and her was still going out but I think James want to go out with Bella because she is pretty.
They had finished dinner and dessert.They went home and James went to his house Bella was so happy.The next day Bella woke up and she got changed and went to school she saw Maddie and Maddie was so angry at her.Bella was thinking why is Maddie angry at her she did nothing.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Museum trip Recount
Museum Trip Recount
It was a sunny and Rainy day,I was so happy that I was going on the trip to the Museum.When I got to school there was only 6 patients and there was a lot of students some students did not come on the trip because they could not pay for the bus.We had to leave school at 8.50 and it took 20 minutes to get to the Museum.
We had to share bag between each other,I shared my bag with my friend and her name is Taunese my other friend Elizabeth U did not share her bag because of her neck.The bell rang we all jumped in the bus there was two busies and I went on the second bus.My buddy Taunese was on the other bus.
The was going I was just talking to my other friends and her name is Lucy we were looking at houses and car and we were picking what car are going to ours when we grow up.When we got to the Museum there were other school there was Glen Taylor my old school and high school too I did not know that school.We were arley as we had to go in at 10.00 so we went to have Morning tea.
I sat with my friend and had shared lunch together then we had to clean our mess after that.We started to go in the Museum and had to put our bag away.Then there was two ladies they were going to show us around.
Friday, 19 September 2014
Gone Missing
It was a boring day “No,No,No!” I was thinking in my head it felt weird because my friend Jane is always coming to my house and we will chat,just as my phone rang it was Jane's mum she was so scared and worried.
I said “Hi Miss Hills how are you” she said that “Jane is gone missing” “I was scared” I called the cops but they said “that they can not do anything to help.”
Then I went to find Jane by myself it was dark and scary I could feel someone following me and he was in black and it was just a man walking his dog.I was thinking why is he walking his dog in the middle of the night.I walk to her house and the door was a little open there was no one there.I walked in and there was a USB on the ground I picked it up and plugged it in the laptop and there was a movie I watched it.
Friday, 12 September 2014
Commonwealth Games Event Miny Basketball
This a movie that I made up for the commonwealth games in 2018 I hope that it goes on the commonwealth games I hope they play it.My game is called Miny Basketball.
Chapter 3 Ever Witch Way
Chapter 3
When school was finished they went home.Bella was so happy because James was taking her on a date to the restaurant where there are nice food and nice drinks.
Bella could not stop talking about where date she was picking what she was going to where.She was wearing a dress that had flowers and it was red she wore black high heels and put makeup on she look beautiful that what her mum said to her.
It was the day for her date she was so happy she got ready and she was Jumping everywhere and her date was at 7.00am it finished at 9.30am Bellas mum said you better not be late you should be here before 10.00am okay.”
James came to pick Bella up when James looked at her he did not say anything.They left,they arrived at the restaurant and there were lots of people in the restaurant they just came at the right time they left…. TO BE CONTINUED.........
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Book Review-Doctor Judy Moody
What was the book about:
The book was about when Judy went to school and she did not know that they were going on a trip to the hospital to see what they do and how they can help the kids and the people.
What did you like about the book:
What I like about this book is that you can learn what doctor do in their Jobs and how they can treat people to stay alive.When I grow up I might want to be a doctor and help people because when my sisters or brother are hurt I help them to be safe and healthy.
Were there any parts you didn't like? Discuss
I did not like the part when the kids were laughing at Judy just because she was looking at the guinea pig and becoming a doctor.
What was your favourite part of the book:
My favourite part of the book is when Judy and Frank made a pickle and drew a face on it and it looked funny and it died.But I still felt sorry for that pickle that died.My other favourite part is when Frank made a cardboard of himself.
Who would you recommend this book to?Why
I will give this book to year 3-5 cause I think they will like it and because they might inspire them to be a doctor.
The book was about when Judy went to school and she did not know that they were going on a trip to the hospital to see what they do and how they can help the kids and the people.
What did you like about the book:
What I like about this book is that you can learn what doctor do in their Jobs and how they can treat people to stay alive.When I grow up I might want to be a doctor and help people because when my sisters or brother are hurt I help them to be safe and healthy.
Were there any parts you didn't like? Discuss
I did not like the part when the kids were laughing at Judy just because she was looking at the guinea pig and becoming a doctor.
What was your favourite part of the book:
My favourite part of the book is when Judy and Frank made a pickle and drew a face on it and it looked funny and it died.But I still felt sorry for that pickle that died.My other favourite part is when Frank made a cardboard of himself.
Who would you recommend this book to?Why
I will give this book to year 3-5 cause I think they will like it and because they might inspire them to be a doctor.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Pig and Duck
Samoan naritve
It was a sunny day and I woke up I did not want to get up because I was lazy. Rosalina came to my house she was going to samoa. Rosalina stayed at my house for 1 hour then she had to leave she asked me if I wanted to go to samoa with her. I was thinking for like 3 minutes then I made my mine up and I said “yes I have to pack my bag first.”
I went to Rosalina’s house with her and her mum and dad where already packing their bags. Rosalina did not pack her bag she left it for her mum and dad. That when I said “Rosalina do not let your mum and dad do your bag you have to do it” Rosalina said to me “they offer to do it and i say no.”
Me,Rosalina and her mum and dad were leaving New Zealand to go to samoa I was crying because I left my mum and dad I wish they came with me. When we arrived at Samoa I was excited I was so happy that I could not stop jumping around. There was a beach so I ran to the sand it felt very nice but it was hot.
We all had lots of fun in samoa Rosalina said “I wish i can stay here and live here.” She asked her mum and dad but they said “No.” They left Samoa they went to the airport and they were off they were back in New Zealand.When they went home they all welcome them back.
Chapter 2 Every witch way
chapter 2
It was 8.00 in the morning and Bella was so tired that she did not want to go to school she was still in her bed. Her mum said “Bella get up for school because remember someone is coming over to pick you up”. James is coming over to pick you up and take you to get some lunch and take you to school.
Bella woke up when she heard that James was coming to pick her up she was so happy.There was a girl named Mele but people called her Miss Information because she was so nosey she would take photos of people and put it on her site and her site is could Miss Information.
Bella got up and went to have a shower when she finished James was there she had to get ready fast.When she went down stairs James was not there yet her mum just wanted her to get out of the shower.
Bella and James left the house when they got to school.Maddie the mean one was casting spells on people but they did not know.When school was finished they went home…… TO BE CONTINUED.
Bella woke up when she heard that James was coming to pick her up she was so happy.There was a girl named Mele but people called her Miss Information because she was so nosey she would take photos of people and put it on her site and her site is could Miss Information.
Bella got up and went to have a shower when she finished James was there she had to get ready fast.When she went down stairs James was not there yet her mum just wanted her to get out of the shower.
Bella and James left the house when they got to school.Maddie the mean one was casting spells on people but they did not know.When school was finished they went home…… TO BE CONTINUED.
Monday, 25 August 2014
Wow Samoa
Learning about Samoa By Juliet,Rowana,Jessica and Ashley from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Hi everyone we have been learning about samoa.Today our teacher Mr Someville told us that we are reading a book about samoa and our book is called Loofahs to sell.Loofahs are kind of a food you can eat.
If the loofahs are on the ground for like 3 day you can not eat it because you never know if the ants eat it or the other insects and flys.When the loofahs go brown you can peal the skin off and you can eat it.
Last week on Monday we had to do a movie about samoa but from our reading activity. In the movie there are 4 people and there names are me you already know my name Jessica,Rowana and Ashley.
I played Ashley friend,Jessica played the teacher,Ashley,played the child that is in school, and Rowana played the samoan lady.
When i grow up i want to go to samoa and check out the thing they do in samoa and other thing.I don’t just want to go to samoa i want to go to different countries.
Swimming Report
Rules For Swimming
Do not be late be alway on time,bring your togs and towel and a bag and make saw you have to check the time to see if you will be earlie.
What to do: Every day you have a good breakfast it had be like weetbixs or something else.When you wake up you have to exercises so you get fit and maybe run and swim faster than the other people.
What not to eat and drink: Do not eat pie,hot chip,chocolate,lollies,meat,and other junk and do not drink fizzy drink or else you will get sick and not be fit and you will never be fit again. when you are eating you have to have rest so you don’t spuy up in the water because the water ugly so have a rest before jumping in.
Did you know that swimming began in 1882.The first one to do swimming was a man named John Arthur he was the first to swim in the world.In the world there is 7.046 and 1000 people love swimming.I Think that is a lot of people in the world and i really love swimming.
What to do: Every day you have a good breakfast it had be like weetbixs or something else.When you wake up you have to exercises so you get fit and maybe run and swim faster than the other people.
What not to eat and drink: Do not eat pie,hot chip,chocolate,lollies,meat,and other junk and do not drink fizzy drink or else you will get sick and not be fit and you will never be fit again. when you are eating you have to have rest so you don’t spuy up in the water because the water ugly so have a rest before jumping in.
Did you know that swimming began in 1882.The first one to do swimming was a man named John Arthur he was the first to swim in the world.In the world there is 7.046 and 1000 people love swimming.I Think that is a lot of people in the world and i really love swimming.
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Ever Witch Way
Once upon a time there was a girl named Bella she just moved from New york to New zealand she is only 13 years old.Bella and her mum moved in a big house.She meet a girl named Grace they both became friend.Grace took Bella to her new school and show her around.
It was morning time bella got up to get ready for school. Grace came over to pick up bella.When they got to school there was a popular girl named Maddie she was a witch same as Bella.
There was a boy name was james they both liked him but he already had a girlfriend and it was Maddie she was the bad witch. Maddie was alway mean and never good he was mean to her friend and to other people she did not know and her family.Bell was the one how was always kind and careful.
Friday, 8 August 2014
That the first one is spelt like tryathlon with try and the second one is spelt like triathlon with a tri and it is both different.
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Commonwealth Countires
Today we are doing commonwealth countries and we have to find some Questions and answer them.
Triangle shapes
Today me and my buddy Finau have been doing triangle shapes and we have photos for you to see and it all added up to 180 degrees.
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Area Problmes
Today I have been doing thing about area and I have to show my work on my blog here is my work.
Know you can work this one on your own
Know you can work this one on your own
Monday, 4 August 2014
World war 1
Today is special because reminding us about world war 1 and why the men and women's died.It started way in the past that there was a man that shot another man and that is how how the war began.
In the war 400 woman’s died when they were nurses.In the war there were 20 countries and most the people died in war.In the war 18,500 kiwis died in the war.The countries left on the 26 of march in 1946.25,000 people came back from the war.I think the other families were sad because maybe there families we died.
In the war 400 woman’s died when they were nurses.In the war there were 20 countries and most the people died in war.In the war 18,500 kiwis died in the war.The countries left on the 26 of march in 1946.25,000 people came back from the war.I think the other families were sad because maybe there families we died.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Shot put
My teacher Mr S told us to do activity.My reading activity is about a girl named lauren and that she came third in shot put.Lauren’s dad was mad because she came third but lauren did not care about coming third because she came something instead of last because they only can take 1st,2sd and 3rd to the final.
When lauren got home her dad was not happy because she came third instead of first he was not happy at all.They argued all the time and the dad said to lauren “ you never listen to me and you no not do what i tell you.So lauren just went to the lange and sat down on the coatch her sister askeed her for some biscet but she said “no goway.
Juliet shot put from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
When lauren got home her dad was not happy because she came third instead of first he was not happy at all.They argued all the time and the dad said to lauren “ you never listen to me and you no not do what i tell you.So lauren just went to the lange and sat down on the coatch her sister askeed her for some biscet but she said “no goway.
Juliet shot put from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
MY holiday highlight
Last wednesday in the holiday i woke up and cleaned my room when I was cleaning my room I was thinking of going to the movies so I ran to my mom's room and Said “ Mum can we go to the movie today and watch Rio 2 And then she Said “yes but we have to clean up then we can go to the movies.
When we finished cleaning the house we put our shoes on and jumped into the car and we were off.I asked my mum witch movies we are going to she said “ we are going to the one in st lukes.That when we were there we jumped out of the car and went in.When I went inside there was lots of people and it looked like they were crowded around me.
Me and my mum went to get the ticket and order some food for us.She got 3 popcorn,3 dinks,and 6 ice cream.My family and I went to get some thing to eat for lunch and we had K.F.C for a little wiyle the movie was about to start my mum went to get our order and my mum gave the ticket to the man and then we went in to the room were in room 3.
When I went in the room it was so dark and I could not see. We sat in our seats and my sister’s had to share a popcorn and a drink,me and my little brother had to share a popcorn and drink and same as my mum and dad but we all had an ice cream each.
It was so fun at the movie and I was so happy The movie was finished we went home and i fell asleep in the car when i woke up we were at home my neck was so sure that i could not move it.I felt very happy that we went to the movies because me and my family went.I enjoyed watching the movie and listening to the song.Next time i want to watch some other movie and go somewhere else.
When we finished cleaning the house we put our shoes on and jumped into the car and we were off.I asked my mum witch movies we are going to she said “ we are going to the one in st lukes.That when we were there we jumped out of the car and went in.When I went inside there was lots of people and it looked like they were crowded around me.
Me and my mum went to get the ticket and order some food for us.She got 3 popcorn,3 dinks,and 6 ice cream.My family and I went to get some thing to eat for lunch and we had K.F.C for a little wiyle the movie was about to start my mum went to get our order and my mum gave the ticket to the man and then we went in to the room were in room 3.
When I went in the room it was so dark and I could not see. We sat in our seats and my sister’s had to share a popcorn and a drink,me and my little brother had to share a popcorn and drink and same as my mum and dad but we all had an ice cream each.
It was so fun at the movie and I was so happy The movie was finished we went home and i fell asleep in the car when i woke up we were at home my neck was so sure that i could not move it.I felt very happy that we went to the movies because me and my family went.I enjoyed watching the movie and listening to the song.Next time i want to watch some other movie and go somewhere else.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014
My Pace
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Friday, 4 July 2014
Egg experiment
Me and my Buddy were doing an experiment about an egg we have shown you the experiment so you can do here it is.
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Ratio problem solving
First i started with 6 llollies cost 15 so id did it like this 6:15
Then i did :45 and i had to find out how much lollies for $45.
Then i did 15 x 3=45
The i did 6 x 3 =9
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Egg Experiment
Monday, 30 June 2014
All about my Superhero
My name is Rose jane and I am 25 years old. I live in the city with my family. When I was younger my mum discovered that I never liked garlic she always wonder why. Garlic always make me freeze and my eyes would be the only thing to move. I work as a lawyer in a big building with other people. I help victims of crime by trying to put the people that hurt them in jail. Sometimes they run away and I have to chase them and it really gets me mad. When I get mad I just sit outside and calm down.
One day I was sitting at my desk next to the window when I looked out and saw a big cloud, suddenly I realised it wasn’t a cloud it was a big space ship. It started shooting laser beams at the building. I ran to the bathroom and changed into my superhero costume.
As I was flying through the cloud I was shooting my ice powers at the space ship but the spaceship was still shooting laserbeams at me and the city. was getting weaker and weaker I stopped flying and could feel myself falling toward the ground. Suddenly Music Girl and Captain Bree came to save me by catching me as I was falling. Captain Bree’s special power was healing she gave me some extra energy then I was able to fly again.
In the spaceship there was a man named Joker. He would always go too different cities to steal money from the big banks. Music Girl, Captain Bree and I used our power to try and destroy the
spaceship and kill the Joker.
As soon as we hit the spaceship with our powers the joker escaped in a mini ship and got away. He knew that we were going to kill him and put him in jail for stealing money from the bank. We chased the Joker all over the city trying to catch him. Music Girl used her power of mind control to get into Jokers mind and make him crash his ship. When he crashed Captain Bree snuck into the ship with her invisibility cloak on and hit Joker on the head knocking him out. Music Girl and I landed next to the ship and waited for Captain Bree to bring the Joker out. We placed him in a special container where he couldn’t use his powers to escape. The Special Forces came and took him away to an underground prison where he would never escape. Everything went back to normal and I returned to my boring job.
The city wanted to say thank you to all of us and through us a big party where we could eat all the food we wanted and drink as many fizzies as we could. Music Girl, Captain Bree and I were always looking out for trouble to protect the city…...
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Argo float
Hello i been learning about argo float and how it move i am going to show you how it moves
Friday, 20 June 2014
How to make a canoe
I am doing this so you can learn how to make a paper canoe and teach other people.
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Hot Summer Day Feet Burning
Hot Summer Day Feet Burning
It was a hot sunny day.
My feet were burning. I was going to the beach. When I arrived at the beach, I took my shoes off. I ran to the sand and my feet were burning and my feet almost turned into dust. I ran all the way to the water and my feet cooled down.
My feet were burning. I was going to the beach. When I arrived at the beach, I took my shoes off. I ran to the sand and my feet were burning and my feet almost turned into dust. I ran all the way to the water and my feet cooled down.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Thing that float and sink
We have been learning about buoyancy and thing that float and sink and neutral buoyancy i have found out something that can float and sink and neutral buoyancy.
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Super heros
Making a boat
Here is our movie about boat and if it float it is a canoe and i think it will float.
Juliet And Liz Boat from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Juliet And Liz Boat from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Friday, 13 June 2014
My Boat
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
My Brother and Sisters
Hahahahahahaha heheheheheheheheh!!!!!!! You are so funny and you make me laugh every day because you do funny thing and make funny faces and that makes me laugh so hard. MY brother is 2 years old and his name is Jeremiah and he is so funny. When people come over he makes them laugh and do funny face and they like it. My brother helps me too to clean up and do thing.He asks me to help him get his toy and food for him.
Hehehehehehe hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are very helpful and funny too.You make me laugh every day and night even when we are having dinner and dessert and that make you funny. If i am sunk on my homework at home you will always help me and when i am cleaning my room they would ask to help me and i would say yes thank you.My sisters are 8 years old and 6 there names are Shea-les and Zamera.
Monday, 9 June 2014
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