Have you ever had to use your hand to eat steak? Did you know if you don’t use a fork or a knife you will get sick and germs? When you you use your hands you will get germs in your mouth, the pieces won't me little enough for you to eat and chew.
Keeping clean. If you are going to keep clean you have to wash your hand every day.If you use a knife and fork you will don’t get sick and get germs. Keeping clean help you to not to get sick and it will spread germs.
Bite size pieces You can use a knife and fork to cut steak into little pieces. This will help you so you don’t choke and make it easier to chew. If you don’t cut your bite size pieces it will not fit in your mouth.
Manners.- Using a knife and a fork you can help other people that don’t know how to use a knife and fork.When i use a knife and fork it help me to cut small pieces.Other people can use a knife and fork and learn how to use one. Conclusion By using a knife and fork it can help the kids on the other side of the world.The kids on the other side of the world can know how to use a knife and a fork.

My next step is to have all my work done.